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Pch games Form: What You Should Know

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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Pch games

Instructions and Help about Pch games

It's the American dream that we've seen play out on TV. A group of people with cameras show up unannounced to tell you that you have won a million dollars. Leeanne from Clear Lake and Laura from Otsego. I've seen the Publishers Clearing House commercials for years. They emailed us, whining, "No, do people really win their sweepstakes?" Good question. Here's Heather Brown. I always think, "Do they believe we have anyone?" I know if everyone, they must, it's just to get more people to sign up for things that they don't even want. I can't imagine that that's scripted, you know, the people jumping up and down. It's like, so I gotta say, I run into a skeptic or two. Do they really win? Chris Irving is with the Publishers Clearing House in New York. He says the company's given out 360 million dollars in prizes since 1967. Since 2015, seventy-nine Minnesotans have won prizes of five to five thousand dollars, and one from Beardsley and another from Minneapolis each won ten grand. We've had two ten million dollar winners in Minnesota. Yeah, one was back in 1994. This 1994 winner was from St. Cloud. It happened again in 2002 in Arden Hills. The odds on the big prizes are long, very long. One in 15 million for 10 grand, one in 535 million for 100k, and one in 3.5 billion for some million-dollar prizes. Compare that to the one in 292 million odds for Powerball. A lot of stamps to Music Clearing House makes money by selling magazines, household items, and advertising. You do have to give your name, address, and email, but you don't have to buy anything to enter. The winning is always free. We love it when someone buys something, but you have the same...